Sunday, 21 July 2013

Mount Isa to Avon Downs

Day 23—Wednesday,17th July Mount Isa to Avon Downs NT. (263kms)
Before leaving the park, we decided that, if we were to replace the microwave oven, here would be the place to do so, the town being blessed by K-Mart and Harvey Norman, among other white goods outlets. K-Mart were selling their own brand quite cheaply but the small unit at $45.00 was too small and the medium size at $99.00 would not fit the cavity space in the van, being too long by about 10mm. So we set off to find Harvey Norman and there we found an LG model, 30L and just the right dimension. We came away, some $169.00 poorer but the young assistant at HN lived up to the TV ads and carried the new unit out to the van, which I’d tottered off to fetch from the Coles car park about two blocks away. Not only that but she staggered back across the road, with our old unit for disposal! Thanks Louisa.
So, by now, it’s nearly 11.30am as we left Mount Isa behind, heading for Camooweal and the NT border. An uneventful drive until Camooweal where we had to maneuver into the Road House driveway for a top up. Less than 200kms from a $1.61. price, the roadhouse manages to demand $1.94 per litre. If that’s not price gouging, I don’t know what is!
Only a short drive to the NT border and a quick stop for a photo opportunity, then on another 60kms to the Avon Downs camp site. Here we were early enough to have a wide choice of camp spots and got well set up before the crowd arrived. Very quiet out in the outback and the stars bright and clear. A good night’s sleep was had.

Still Celebrating!

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